5 Ways to Get “Unstuck”

Feeling “stuck” can mean lots of different things.  It can mean feeling bored, depressed, anxious, frustrated, lacking motivation, and so many other feelings.  We can feel “stuck” in our relationships, our careers, our family life, our health, or our personal goals.  It is okay to acknowledge this “stuckness” and be curious about it.  Here are some ways that I try to help myself when …

Suicidal and Scared

I have worked with a number of clients who experience suicidal thoughts. Many people experience suicidal thoughts at some point in their life. Having suicidal thoughts doesn’t mean that you are “crazy”, or that you should be “locked up”. So many of the people I have worked with our afraid that if they are honest about their suicidal thoughts that …

Who Do You Trust?

Who Do You Trust? I just finished reading an article that was posted on the Denver Channel News (http://www.thedenverchannel.com/money/business-news/in-god-we-trust-but-not-each-other).  The article describes how Americans have significantly decreased their trust in one another.  Reportedly, after a recent survey, Americans believe that only about one-third of people can be trusted; a significant decrease from a similar survey done 40 years ago.  So …