It’s that time of year again when families and friends gather to celebrate the holidays. For many of us this can be a joyous time and we embrace being able to catch up with friends and families. But for others, specifically those who have an eating disorder or are in early recovery from an eating disorder, this time of year …
Growing up with a Self-Centered Parent
Let’s face it, being a parent is a tough job! It is a difficult responsibility that doesn’t come with any instructions and there is no one “right way” to parent. Throughout my years of working with children and adults, I have noticed the significant harm that can come from being brought up by a self-centered parent. There is such a …
Improve Your Mental Health and Lower Stress with Moderate Exercise
Exercise can play a very important role in recovery from depression and other mental illnesses, as well as lower our stress levels. When we exercise our brain releases neurotransmitters or chemicals that promote a sense of well being, happiness, and calmness. Some of the chemicals that our brain releases are like the chemicals that are used in antidepressant medications. In …
Can Relationships Heal Eating Disorders?
New research ( is showing some promising results of a possible new treatment approach to treating anorexia and other eating disorders. This new research suggests the significant role that a chemical called oxytocin could play in the treatment of eating disorders. Oxytocin is a chemical that our body releases naturally during times when we are bonding, such as in child …
“Biggest Looser” and Eating Disorders
“Biggest Looser” and Eating Disorders I have recently heard about a contestant allegedly on the TV show, Biggest Looser, who lost more weight than what her ideal body weight should be. I have only watched the show a couple of times, so I in no way want to put place this contestants’ weight loss solely on the fact that she …
Surviving the Holidays When You Have an Eating Disorder
Trusted Therapy, Inc Tonya McFarland, PsyD 1030 Johnson Rd, 323 Golden, CO 80401 303-709-5897 [email protected] People who struggle with eating disorders often find the holidays to be a stressful time. I think for many of us the holidays can be stressful. Our schedules are different, we tend to have more social activities, and spend more time with family …